Giving Thanks

I’m thankful that it’s Thanksgiving. I’ve been a bit overwhelmed trying to steer this adventure this way or that and I think a day of being nothing but thankful is exactly what the doctor ordered. There are so many things to be thankful for, from loving family and friends to the hard work of so many people that brought a turkey to my table. The freedom to sit here and ramble like a river or the Oxygen in the air letting the wood in the fire pour its heart out in release.

Thank you to our forefathers who, despite their shortcomings that I often judge them for, forged us this wonderful society. Thank you to my eyes for letting me see and my brain for letting me think. Thank you to my mouth for letting us share a smile and thank you to our fantastic bus-hosts for giving us a place to rest our weary heads.

Giving thanks seems to be one of those awesome, elusive things where the more you give the more you receive. I think there’s a deeply natural part of being human that yearns to recognize how special and lucky we are to be here, and acknowledging it with gratitude lets us be free at least for a minute from explaining the world away.

Gratitude also comes with a sense of perspective, for to give thanks we must recognize that we aren’t alone and that we do rely on other people or nature to provide for us. To truly give thanks, we have to accept the fact that we aren’t invincible. It’s the generosity and support of others that gives each of us the opportunity to be vulnerable and make mistakes and ultimately lets us strive to be the people we want to be. It’s almost that in letting ourselves recognize our limitations, we’re able to see past them.

I’m especially thankful for the beautiful women who love me and give me the courage to dare to be myself. Thank you for trusting me and being patient with me and showing me how to feel, and for listening to me.

Thank you for reading, each of you who’ve decided to visit our blog and get involved in our story. From the 7 Cees, may your days be full of love and laughter.

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