People are Awesome

So far our commitment to staying open and adaptive and letting the people we meet guide our progress is working really well. We’ve had lots of help over the last month in building our bus and figuring out how to describe our venture- if that was from you, thanks!

We’re on a journey to inspire and facilitate human beings’ incredible creativity.  We think if peoples’ creative passions are expressed cooperatively and honestly, it will help evolve our culture to be more sustainable and joyful.

Each of us has a unique perspective on our world, and has passions and abilities that come from the world they see.  That means all together, we have everything we need to build ourselves a better world; for every problem we have there’s naturally somebody effected by it who’s passionate about solving it. We think the key to unleashing this power for people to have the freedom to truly express themselves in their productivity.

One thing 7cees hopes to explore is this idea of ‘super-specialization’, this emerging trend in our social world of having our job title become our name and our job description become ‘do yourself.’  That’s the role of everyone involved in our venture, and we’re loving what the people we’re meeting are doing.

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