The Right Environment

People are inspired by honesty, by truth, by attention, by meaning.  That may be one of the most valuable things we can strive for: to give people the environment to be open and honest in a productive way.

We’ve always thought that the most important thing for creativity is the environment.  Many people do.  But people seem to focus on the physical environment; they put up weird artwork or make interactive whiteboard spaces.  These have inspirational value, but they’re not the real thing that inspires people.

A curvy couch with a slide down the armrest can’t look you in the eye and listen.  A magnetic wall with a million little magnets arranged in the shape of a high-five doesn’t care what you say to it.  These external conditions can add to a creative environment, but only when the emotional-and-mental space is right.  They add a spark, not the fuel. The fuel is within people, and it’s up to them whether they wall it off or let it ignite.

Madison is such a great city.  Numerous people have stopped by today to add the support of their positive energy, which was absolutely the inspiration for this post.  I feel like when we ‘stick to our guns’ of truly being about consciousness and cooperation in the present moment it clicks with people on a level they’re not used to experiencing in the day-to-day grind.  And that click is music to my ears.  The most beautiful sound in the world is to hear someone say something they’ve always thought but never said before.

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