A Good Balance

It’s a cold night tonight in Lowry’s trailer lot in Minneapolis and I’m so tired I almost don’t want to write. We’ve been having a much needed relax-and-regroup evening and are taking a look at things now that we have a few days experience on the road. I know forty-eight hours might not seem like much, but trust me when you drive a double-decker 1980’s studio bus you learn some lessons fast.

One thing we’ve been discussing is, of course, our ever-evolving mission. We’d like to explore the lifestyle of being yourself for a living by reporting on our findings as we do so. We also discussed how we’re interested to see how people react to that idea and what aspects of life it might inspire them to share with us.

Today we interviewed Alex of AlexanderTrees.com, a clothing line that plants at least 1 tree for every article sold. His clothing looks to maintain a ‘natural balance’ between being individual and maintaining subtlety that he says is inspired by nature. I thought that was really interesting. Plus as you probably know I’m a huge sucker for trees.

Some of the things he said (video coming shortly) got me thinking about a company’s natural balance with the community that surrounds it. A company, in my opinion, should be a group of people dedicated to providing its team and its customers with a higher quality of life, period. A business resources in the form of energy and expertise from its workers, and distributes them to its community through a product or service. This builds a balance of giving and receiving between itself and its cultural habitat.

If companies are focused on improving the lives of their customers and employees, they are on the ‘same team,’ so to speak. They have identities separated by specific mission and brand, which their employees ideally stand behind, but they’re still all operating to make life better for the general public.

I think it’s imperative that we start looking at companies in this larger picture as groups of people coming together to impact culture. For they truly are becoming a form of ‘government’ in the sense that people rely on them and in many cases associate more with some brands than they do countries. And in the war of competitive business so many precious resources, time and opportunities for fulfillment are wasted.

Anyway, I’m heading to bed, too much thinking for me right now. Nice to have a relaxed couple of hours, the studio makes a great calm environment.

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4 Responses to “A Good Balance”

    • Mike

      Thanks.. yeah I think we kinda take in the notion that a company is about making money rather than value without thinking about it much in our society. I mean, especially as companies/brands continue to have more and more influence, it’s important to take a look at how they effect our lives in ways other than just financially.

  1. Megan Hamilton

    My company, based in Minneapolis, just put on a show last night called WISH, to fully benefit the Make A Wish Foundation. Fully sponsored by Rime Knits (who also plants a tree for every item sold), and Rockstar Energy, we were able to raise close to $2,000. It was incredible. We appreciate what you guys do, and I just saw your lovely van pass my home a moment ago. Props. :)

  2. Mike

    Megan, congratulations on your show! It’s really great when people come together to help others in need… and if your experience has been like mine sometimes it’s surprising how much they’re willing to help. What’s the name of your company?


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